MoCU Health Cent history can be traced back to the early 2014 when the University came into being as a result of transforming Moshi University College of Co-operative  and Business Studies (MuccoBS) into a full fledged University in September, 2014. The provision of Healthcare  Services at MoCU is the main  responsibility of  University Health Centre. The Health Centre is under the Directorate of Administration and  Human Resource Management (DAHRM) and it is headed by the Head Of Department who oversees its day to day operations and is directly accountable to the Director Of Administration and Human Resource Management.

The University Health Centre with its satellite health facilities provides Preventive, Curative and Rehabilitative  Health Services in collaboration with consultant hospitals KCMC and Mawenzi.The centre offers health care services 24 hours to students, staff  members, staff  families and to the general public. One who report at the Health Centre for the sake of  health care services are required to provide NHIF card or cash.  An average number of patients attended per month range from 990-1200, meanwhile at KICoB- Dispensary in Shinyanga varies from 350-460 per month. The number of patients is low (less) during the University holidays. Number of patients (High) during the University Calendar Year.

The Centre has installed electronic patient’s information system known as Government Of Tanzania Hospital Management Information System (GoT – HoMIS) in an effort to improve patient’s  records, reduce paper work, improve income at health facility generated at the centre as well as to ensure precise health statistics for facility analysis,planning,budgeting,monitoring and evaluation.

Outpatient services

Adolescence Sexual Reproductive Health Services

Inpatient services

Care and Treatment Clinics

Pharmaceutical services

Reproductive $ Child Health (RCH)

Counselling on various communicable and non-communicable diseases Hepatitis,HIV/AIDs,


Service Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Open Time 07:00AM 07:00AM 07:00AM 07:00AM 07:00AM 07:00AM 07:00AM
Close Time 04:00PM 04:00PM 04:00PM 04:00PM 04:00PM 04:00PM 04:00PM