Radio Unit

Tile: Head of Unit

Name: Ms. Aneth Mtebene

Mobile: +255 (0) 713 938 288


The establishment of a radio unit came following the need to supplement print materials and enhance students’ learning. In 1967, CEC established radio broadcasts known as “Jifunze Ushirika” (let us learn cooperation) aired through Radio Tanzania for 30 minutes with a repeat session but ceased operating in 1998. Given the increase in operational costs, the College stopped airing radio broadcasts in 1998. Still, it was re-established in 2002 with a different title, Tuimarishe Ushirika” (let us strengthen cooperation). Since then, TBC Taifa Radio has been airing the programme every Friday from 19.15 to 1930pm. The Unit caters for educative programmes to the public through radio and television programmes in the areas of co-operative, entrepreneurship, record keeping, book-keeping and accounts, financial analysis and management and governance among others. To achieve this, the Unit works closely with the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC), community radios and television stations in Tanzania.

Ms. Aneth Mtebene is a communication professional with over ten years of marketing and communication experience. Ms. Aneth holds a Master of Science in Marketing Management from Mzumbe University (Dar es Salaam Campus) and Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT). She started her career as broadcasting intern/volunteer in 2007 for Radio SAUT FM located in Mwanza, serving as social/ economical programs producer and news anchor. She joined MoCU in 2010 as an administrative/ public relations officer responsible for institutional strategic communication support, protocol issues, public relation and Marketing of the University through media and various platforms locally and internationally. She currently serves as acting Head of Communication and Marketing Unit and a Radio Program Coordinator for “Tuimarishe Ushirika” program production and broadcasting. Her areas of expertise include news writing and reporting, digital communication and photojournalism, radio program production and broadcasting, relationship, marketing and communication management.